Making “Bus” a Four Letter Word

It is our 2nd day in Darwin and we are revolting!  No more buses!!  The worst thing about any tour or excursion where you are with a group, is that they move you around on buses…big buses, small buses, nice buses and sometimes not so nice buses.  Buses, buses, buses.  It gets to the point (at just about this far into one of these trips) when we say ENOUGH WITH THE BUSES!!

Sorry, had to vent a little.  Dale and I were at lunch today at the Compass Rose restaurant onboard the Voyager thinking about our afternoon tour when it hit me.  I am sick and tired of buses.  Here are the things I don’t like about buses:

  1. They are buses
  2. Usually they are either too hot or too cold
  3. I always seem to sit in front of the cougher, sneezer, heavy mouth breather or the loud talker who thinks that everyone is interested in hearing about her Sister’s Gall Bladder surgery…in detail
  4. You have to line up to get on a bus
  5. You have to line up to get off a bus
  6. If you want to sit anywhere near the front of the bus you have to a.) get to the constellation theatre early to stake out your spot so you can hear them call your bus and you can got off the ship fast! b.) you can’t be afraid of the mean looks you get when you walk past people who are trying to get to the same bus as you

So, in protest in the name of all things bus related, we stayed on the ship today to cool off a little and come up with a new, Zen approach to buses.

Repeat after me:  Buses are good. Buses take us where we’ve never been before. And buses bring us back.  Buses provide a place to sit and reflect on our life as we spend endless hours being shuttled around in their safety.  Buses don’t hurt people, at least not intentionally.  Buses are our friends.  Now repeat.

Thank goodness it’s a Sea Day tomorrow because that means “NO BUSES”!!

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