Jack Shepard, the leader of the Lost gang and Hurley help Claire away from the original crash site.
I just noticed that we have gotten into February and the calendar in the blog switched months! Don’t forget to go back a month and catch up on what we’ve been up to! It’s amazing how fast time is going by…now back to the story.
This could have been the title of our return from our Machu Picchu experience (back in the 20’s of January posts) but, as you probably now know, we have already returned. So this post really has nothing to do with us returning or ever being lost in MP in the first place for that matter. Just bear with me….it’s 11:53 PM, the boat is rocking a bit. I’ve had some good wine, Margaret is asleep and I can get away with writing and posting this totally random article until she edits it tomorrow. So, if you were lucky enough to read this….congratulations or…..sorry ’bout that!
One of the leading Lost characters is Kate, who has a somewhat questionable background.
But, this post DOES finish up one chapter of our cruise. Just before we went on our Rome-Istanbul trip, our “adopted” mom Mabelle had given me a LOST Season One set of DVD’s to watch (that’s a TV series on ABC about a group of people who survive a plane crash on a strange and mystically powerful island in the South Pacific). I started watching them when we got back from Istanbul and started getting addicted to them. Margaret, not so much. She especially didn’t like the first episode where there was lots of blood and nasty things like people getting sucked into jet turbines. Understandable. But, since I was now addicted and Season 6, the final season, is starting in February, I bought the Season 1-5 box set and brought seasons 2-5 with us on the cruise.
To make a long story (and I do mean, a long complicated story) short, we have now finished all 5 seasons. It just gets plain weird at the end to the point that I have no idea how any sane person could understand all of what is going on. But, I’ll subscribe to the next season on iTunes so we can watch it on my MacBook (Editors note: Turns out that the last season is so complicated that they show a repeat of each show the week after and have little pop-up captions at the bottom of the screen constantly that tell you what is going on).
Oh, and also, after the first season, Margaret got even more addicted than me. She was even sneaking episodes when I wasn’t around!!! But, at the end, she lost interest again and I had to mop up. I don’t blame her because it was making my head hurt keeping track of all the time travel, plot inconsistencies, just plain crazy stuff and crazy plane stuff for that matter.
You know you’ve been watching too many episodes in a row when you start feeling you ARE in the show. At times in Machu Picchu, we felt that WE were in an episode of “Lost” and were just hoping that we wouldn’t get stuck on our virtual island like those poor people did. I’m waiting for that to happen to Margaret with Frasier. Who would I become? Frasier? His gay brother? Bulldog the sports announcer? I know that our poodle would become Eddie (the dog in the show) because he LOVES Eddie (everytime Eddie is on the TV our puppy perks up and starts barking hello to Eddie!). Margaret DOES miss her Frasier…by far her favorite show. But, I’m getting off the point of this blog. Back to uploading videos to YouTube since everyone has gone to bed and the bandwidth will be returning soon. Good night.
Sayid threatens John Locke (who seems to be the new Lost leader) in a scene from the new Season 6 of Lost.
If you haven’t watched Lost or just want to catch up before you watch Season 6 episodes you can go to ITunes and download free season summaries or go to the following link and then go to each Season’s summary: http://abc.go.com/shows/lost/photo-details/season-1-summary/374688. That’s sort of cheating but without it you’ll be hopelessly Lost.